Anil Ghodke Image

Anil Ghodke
"The Brain"
Managing Director

Paul Robinson Image

Paul Robinson
"The Driving Force"

Stuart Diamond Image

Stuart Diamond (MPS)
"The Advisor"
Company Advisor

Plant Biotech – About Us

If you’ve made your way to this page, it means you’re interested not just in what we do and what that means for you, but also in who we are, what our venture means to us, and what we stand for. That’s a great start in building strong relationships.

Well, we’re a tissue culture company involved in the mass-scale production of high quality plants, with a wholehearted commitment to Quality and Service. Now the first thing that comes to mind with ‘tissue culture plants’ is ‘mass production’, for tissue culture does work best for large numbers. But that’s where we’re different. We’re a medium sized venture, and understand the needs of the small/medium Aussie farmer/grower or the medium grower overseas. We understand that many growers, especially in Australia, prefer small batches of plants spread over a year to manage their cash flow. And so we have designed a system where even small growers can take advantage of tissue culture. Our aim is to make excellent quality plants accessible to whoever wants them, anywhere in the word, at highly competitive prices.

We produce plants, but it’s all about the people…

We started off in New Zealand as Plant Culture Ltd.©, with a focus on bromeliads. Broms, as anyone growing them would know, are not just slow and difficult to propagate by conventional methods, they are also one of the most difficult plants to introduce into tissue culture. But through continuous research and trials, we perfected the micropropagation technique for various varieties of these amazing plants.

As news of our achievement leaked, more and more Aussie clients came to us with their exclusive hybrids that they wanted put into tissue. The logical sequence was to move production where the bigger, more significant market was, and spurred by encouragement from the Business Migration Unit of the Queensland Government, Plant Biotech Pty. Ltd.© was born on the Sunshine Coast, in early 2006.

We have, since, diversified into producing other plants, and our repertoire now includes popular and exclusive bromeliads as well as grasses, gingers, cordylines, medicinal, herbal and forestry plants. But as we continue to sell the finest quality plants at the best possible prices, we increasingly find ourselves catering to the demand for contract production from growers, and working closely with them to fulfill their needs.